The #1 Tweak I've Made

I have been aware of brain training, motivation, reading positive thoughts, saying mantras, visualization techniques, and any other tool for 3 years now. They have helped me tremendously and I continue to keep up my practice to this day. There has been one tweak that I have made to my weekly schedule that has helped me multiply the return on my investment with these practices. This has been with the help of Katy Corbett.

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Our Inner Child

We all like to think of ourselves as adults who have control and who make our own decisions. We are the Masters of our own Universe. That is not the case though as we will leap to conclusions, react out of emotion, and say/do things that we later regret. Our whole mental existence is built in layers on top of layers, each one being a little more simple and primal than the next. We will at some point, then, act like our inner child.

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What My Training and Diet Look Like

In this article I will write out my entire day for 8/28 to show what I eat, when I eat it, when I train, and any personal thoughts to go along with the outline. Based off this you can make many conclusions: 1.) That is the missing key, 2.) I will start doing that, 3.) He is crazy. The conclusion you make is your own and is neither right or wrong. Your conclusion and actions based off of it are just as valid as mine. Every destination, dream, hope, goal, and body composition has a price to be paid. We all do the best we can with the amount of stress, understanding, knowledge, time, support, ability to moderate stress, and will power that we currently have.

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