The Stuff I Read

Today's article will be a short and quick article on the things I read and listen to on a daily basis. Each piece I have selected in order to raise my business knowledge, gain motivation from, learn how to coach better, or round out my personality so that I have balance in my life. This is not a complete list.

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Steps for a better Day

My post today will be short and succinct as the day presents many wonderful opportunities to it. 

1. Choose your attitude - it really is that simple. From someone who has done, seen, and thought many things that I would never recommend to someone else the simplest answer turned out to be true. You can pick your attitude and reinforce it by the language you use. In the opening paragraph I used the phrase wonderful opportunities instead of a lot of hectic shit. That difference changes how I feel and react to the day. 

2. Be prepared - when you have things in order then you can't be stressed out. When people who are stressed out confront you then you can remain calm in the knowledge that you can help them without putting yourself out. 

3. Sleep - emotional stress is the same as physical stress. It's toxic to your body if left too long unaddressed and negatively viewed. Stress prepares our body for action. ACT then sleep to restore your body's balance. Don't stay amped up for too long or you will look like Keith Richards

Buffet Time

Berkshire Hathaway has a letter that it sends out to all its shareholders written by Warren Buffet. His 2014 letter was of special interest because he gave a recap of the past 50 years. He writes his lessons learned, his knowledge, his wisdom, and his predictions. We should all pay attention. 

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